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"Hello, I'm Amber Bright, CEO & Founder of Eye Believe Nation."

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In 2010, I was diagnosed with a rare eye disorder called keratoconus, which left me legally blind in both eyes. However, through the miracle of receiving bilateral cornea transplants, my vision was restored. Yet, this newfound vision wasn’t just physical—it brought clarity to my spirit. While battling depression, I turned to my faith, clinging to the belief that restoration was possible. With each whisper, and sometimes shout, of “I BELIEVE,” I felt my strength growing, a faith as small as a mustard seed moving mountains. I truly believed that God didn’t bring me this far to leave me.

Life, however, had more tests in store. While mourning the passing of my sister in October 2022, and trying to be strong for my family, I received a breast cancer diagnosis just two months later. It shattered my world once again. Out of these journeys emerged Eye Believe Nation—a beacon of faith and resilience. Rooted in the fusion of my vision and cancer experiences, it stands as a testament to the power of belief. Today, I stand cancer-free, a living testament to the mantra: IF YOU BELIEVE… EYE BELIEVE!

I spell “I Believe” as “Eye Believe” because each letter and word carries weight—a reminder that our stories are intertwined. I cannot share my triumph over cancer without acknowledging the miracle of restored vision. So, with every heartbeat, I declare: Eye Believe, for all things are possible.

Providing strength, comfort, and encouragement during one of life’s toughest battles.

Our Mission

Our Mission

To provide hope, comfort, and faith-based support to newly diagnosed breast cancer patients through personalized care packages that remind them they are not alone in their journey.

1 Eye-Believe-Nation Photos By Jordan Bond of Fallen Angel Productions-254.jpg

Our Vision

To create a world where no one facing breast cancer feels isolated, offering encouragement and compassion through community outreach and mobile support, inspiring all to believe that healing and restoration are possible.

Your Support is Needed Today!

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